Cooperativa Agricola is an agroecological youth farming project in Borghetto San Carlo, at the heart of the Veio Natural Park. Spanning 22 hectares, the farm uses agroecological practices (low-input agriculture that regenerates the surrounding environmental integrity through crop production), producing everything from eggs, heritage grains, and legumes to winter and summer produce.
As well as sustainable agriculture, follows a multifunctional model; this means the cooperative contributes to local food systems by promoting local products, sharing experiences with neighboring farmers, and hosting educational workshops.With a recently renovated farmhouse, this will soon expand to primary food processing (including a flour mill and olive press), retail, a local food concept restaurant, educational spaces in the form of a “Università della terra” (Earth University), and agritourism hospitality spaces. stewards the land as part of an agreement with the local municipality under a project that revitalizes some of the 48% of Rome’s land area that is agricultural, providinglocal food to the city, connectingyoung people with agriculture and generatinglong term sustainable economic and environmental gains from a previously disused space.
AUR’s partnership with the Cooperativa Agricola enables students in the Food Studies MA to access first-hand experience of local food systems, covering:
- Educational field trips to learn about agroecology in practice, the impact of climate change on farming, and multifunctional agricultural models
- Contextualized understanding of challenges in the food system and experience of the holistic solution proposed by
- Volunteering opportunities, including helping to plant, tend, and harvest crops, as well as in the developing multifunctional spaces
- Internship opportunities for social agroecological farming

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