David Chacon
David Chacon obtained his B.A. in Archaeology and Classics at 鶹 University of Rome in 2014. After AUR, David completed the Diplôme Européen d'Études Médiévales of the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Mediévales, Rome (2014-2015), a profesional master in Archeologia Giudiziaria e Crimini contro il Patrimonio Culturale of the Centro per gli Studi Criminologici Giuridici e Sociologici of Viterbo (2017-2018), and obtained a Master's degree in Esperti nelle attività di valutazione e di tutela del patrimonio culturale at the Università Roma Tre (2022).The subject of his undergraduate thesis was further developed into an article titled "Aqua Alexandrina: New Research," which was published together with Prof. Jens Koehller in "Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus. Bauwerke - Technik - Kultur," edited by Wiplinger G., and Letzner W.Babesch Supplements, 32. Peeters, 2017.
He started his experience in scholarly publishing in 2016 after being hired as a director of Sales and Communications for the Italian publisher L'ERMA di Bretschneider, which has been in the business since 1896. Today, David is the Director of the newly created Department of Digital Content and Communications.
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